The Golden Road

I find The Story Girl series to be light, fun and full of imagination. I've grown to love Lucy Maud Montgomery's writing style and The Golden Road offers you plenty of pleasant reading without forcing you to get into too much character history. It's kind of like diving into a world of youthful fun and delight without having to invest much of yourself into it. I mean this in the best possible way. It's like you're allowed a peek into these childrens' world and you are welcomed as one of their own. I alluded to this sense of camaraderie in my review of The Story Girl as well.
What really delivers memorable writing in The Golden Road are the life events that affect the individual characters and subsequently the group as a whole. There are plenty of bittersweet yet necessary occurrences. You truly wish they didn't have to be, but Lucy Maud really brings forth the feelings of pain and understanding that come along with growth masterfully well.
There really are special moments in this novel that far outweigh some of the bittersweetness, namely the group's literary adventures with dream journals and their very own newspaper.
I recommend this book and this series if you are one to appreciate a story being offered up not only for enjoyment but with the aim to get you to admire and reminisce alongside it (even if you didn't grow up in that time). You'll need to let your inner child out too in order to fully appreciate this splendid little two book series.